Alien Groups (INTO THE ODD) (d6)

By Chris McDowall creator of INTO THE ODD
Found on his blog BASTIONLAND
Original post:

d6 Name: Stats: Notes:


Volo Beauties (Aliens)

STR 8, DEX 18, CHA 6, 5hp. Metal Frog Mouths (d6).

Silk Dresses, Soft Bodies, Metal Frog Mouths.

  • Avert their eyes from the hideous appearance of any non-volo beings.
  • Want to collect things they consider most ugly, for their own amusement. Commonly includes birds, which they also enjoy eating live.
  • If they encounter somebody that reminds them of themselves, but less beautiful, they consider them an insult and obsess over killing them.
    Their Bastion: All decadence and statues, but nobody has enough food and the trains don't run on time.


Gemcutters (Aliens)

STR 14, DEX 5, CHA 5, 8hp. Crooked Back, One Giant Eye, Mining Tools (d8, bulky) and Measuring Devices.

  • Want to turn everything into flat surfaces and correct angles.
  • Go berserk if somebody messes with something they've carved into the correct shape.
  • Love their ferret-like pets, which are ultra-violent towards other animals.
    Their Bastion: A colossal red pyramid dotted with hollowed-out meeting cubes.


Easy-Speakers (Aliens)

STR 5, DEX 5, CHA 7, 3hp. Rotting bodies, rusty guns (d8), damp black wigs.

- Can only speak truth, but are ashamed of everything they reveal.
- Because of this, they fear gaining any knowledge at all and lash out at those that would educate them.
- Will do anything to forget the things they know.
Their Bastion: Piles of pitiful beings, covering their ears, while their city decays.


Soft Ones (Aliens)

STR 5, DEX 10, CHA 13, 5hp. Organic Plate Armour 1, Goo-Pistol (d6, melt on Critical Damage).

Slimy Pink Person.

  • Devour as many different foods as possible.
  • Touch as many things as possible.
  • Excrete pearls (£1 per pile excreted) and flee as a defence technique.


Stone Lions (Aliens)

STR 15, DEX 10, CHA 15, 10hp, Powered Armoured Body 2. Trample (d10).

  • Speak calmly about the beauties of his 
  • Beckon humans to travel to his homeland as willing slaves, but won't force them.
  • Translate between people and animals.


Chain-Servants (Aliens)

STR 18, DEX 15, CHA 15, 13hp. Metal Body 3, Smash (d10) or Chain Explosion (d8 Blast)

Metallic Giants

  • Tend to worshipers maternaly.
  • Ensure that worshipers are getting fair treatment.
  • Become a living weapon.