All Unique Minor Magic Weapons (d4)

Description (more info)

The first magic weapon a character receives in a video game, roleplaying game or a novel is rarely the strongest weapon they will come across. As the story progresses they may leave their original weapon behind as they move on to stronger enchantments and true artifacts of world ending power. Or they may find that their weapon’s strength is directly proportional to their own and that as they become the hero they were meant to be, their weapon becomes a conduit of that potential. Video games in particular have little issue handing out breadcrumbs of increasingly powerful magic weapons to allow the player to keep up with increasingly difficult enemies and satisfying their looting needs. In many RPG settings however there are few mechanical ways to make a weapon stronger than normal but weaker than a standard +1 enchantment. Oftentimes these settings will be plentiful in rich descriptions of end game artifact weapons with epic tier abilities, while having no lower level unique weapons whatsoever. As the majority of campaigns start and take place mostly in the lower levels it means that players read about and yearn for these interesting weapons they will likely never use. To combat this I’ve drawn on inspiration from hundreds of sources to develop a collection of Unique Minor Magic Weapons that are scaled down versions of their stronger counterparts. In game they can appear as cheap imitations, homages or legacy weapons gain in strength with their wielder. These are essentially artifact weapons for level 1 characters with all of the charm, mystery and flair of their epic level counterparts. They have drawbacks, limitations and can relay on the strength of their wielder but can provide the extra little bump to turn a TPK into a collective near death experience. These unique weapons allow a DM to easily provide a weak but flavorful addition to their world.