Trinkets, 31 (d100)

Description (more info)

Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.

d100 Result


An ocarina carved from a large acorn, with a wyrm carved in relief.


A heavy lead disk that depicts writhing tentacles and widespread destruction. The rim of the disk has the word “NEVINYRRAL” on it.


A white tabard bearing a golden sunburst impressed upon a crimson shepherd’s crook embroidered over where the bearer’s heart should be.


A small turtle shell intricately scrimshawed with aquan script. If translated, it’s a bawdy merfolk limerick.


A tall banner pole emblazoned with the holy symbol of the Goddess of Spiders. Adorned in skulls and the webbed and dried husks of many offerings, it oozes with an evil aura. From out of the great webbed void, a multiple-eyed arachnid gaze, looks down upon the battlefield, with slaughter reflected in its blackness. When the wind moves the tattered banner, it flutters soundlessly, like so much webbing. Yet, ever so faintly, the furtive noise of scuttling can be heard, or perhaps the clicking and chittering of steel-hard mandibles.


A square digging shovel with the grip and handle stained red with blood. Touching the grip with bare hands allows the bearer to hear the anguished cries of the grave diggers who have died on the job with the shovel in their hands.


A porcelain mask featuring a beautiful womanly face with closed eyes. The porcelain has a slight golden hue and gleam to it.


A single, thumb sized, intricately carved gemstone, that upon professional inspection, is completely fake.


A limestone ashtray inlaid in obsidian forming folk symbols said to protect against fey influence. It is of fine workmanship.


A small brooch made of a translucent stone carved into a lily with too many petals. It seems to resonate with power when its bearer casts a spell.


A dark, red-veined rock about the size of a clenched fist that feels slightly warm to the touch.


A makeup palette containing six different shades of blush.


A drinking mug made from a seashell, grown exactly into its current shape.


A collapsible fan made of transparent insect wings.


A belt pouch consisting of a length of bamboo worn horizontally on the belt. The segmented cane has three fastened openings, and each compartment is lined with padded wool to keep the contents from rattling.


A dashing wide-brimmed hat bearing a dazzling feather.


A drawing that looks remarkably like an older version of the viewer… with a mortal wound.


A small carnelian carving of a hawk that gives off a faint glow whenever a gnome is within one hundred feet.


A fiddle made out of pure white wood and engraved with elven runes that can only play melodies in the major key.


A steel bracelet depicting an armored knight protecting a sleeping child from a shadowy monster.


A brass bell that always stays highly polished and resembles the sound of strange laughter when rung. It is rumored to open doors to the Feywild.


A sphere made of steel, which has numerous rods sticking out of it. Twisting the rods of the blacksmith’s puzzle in a particular order allows them to be removed, revealing a gold coin inside.


A honeycomb intricately carved from marble and polished to a fine finish.


A clockwork item consisting of a hooded, axe wielding executioner with red eyes, and a crying man at the chopping block. When a copper coin is dropped into the coin slot in the front, the headsman swings his axe downward, and the head of the crying man drops off. The head is attached with a string, and when the axe raises again, the head is reeled back to its shoulder.


A sturdy leather cord tied into an intricate knot that writhes in the hands of the bearer.


A series of five vials in a wooden box, each filled with a bright green liquid. Four of them contain a sweet tasting liquid, and one of them contains a horrid and acrid liquid that deals acid damage equivalent to a shortsword when consumed in any quantity. They can only be distinguished by taste. The box reads: “Game of Chance”.


A standard deck of lacquered playing cards that shuffles itself when tapped twice.


A large tin canister whose lid is stamped with the image of a bountiful orchard whose trees are overflowing with fruit, the ripest of which has fallen and filled a cornucopia. The container is brimming with dozens of pieces of well preserved dried limes.


A small puzzle box that reforms itself after being solved, requiring a new solution in order to unlock it.


A worn looking banjo with the peg head made out of a carved piece of driftwood.


A wooden tribal mask with sharp teeth, glowing yellow eyes and a beard of leaves.


A cracked hand mirror, which always shows a shadowy figure to be standing behind the one looking in it. Sometimes, the figure moves.


A wooden chalice etched with a horrifying visage and topped with a bone covering.


A dark stone tablet no larger than a book with a green gem in the center. It has a strap one can sling over the shoulder to carry it.


A tattered flag with the symbol of a bloody Random Melee Weapon stitched on it.


A stone idol that appears to be a aquatic goblin with a dorsal fin,webbed fingers and a double row of shark teeth.


A copper wand etched with arcane sigils. The serpent’s head at its tip clutches a crystal in its jaws.


A silver bracelet with finely-wrought filigree in the shape of vines.


A one gallon cask of Skjolhammar Strong Ale. Technically a type of honey mead, Strong Ale is cheap and strong, though it lays no claim to being the best quality. It has a deep goldenrod color, and a weak, pale head of foam. It smells strongly of alcohol. The flavor is akin to a combination of honey, pickles, and fermented apples, but it doesn’t last long before being overpowered by an eye-watering alcohol burn that lasts for several seconds before dissipating.


A card-sized square of welded brass cylinders, each with intricately detailed carvings depicting acts of brutal torture, ending with glass lenses on each end like a spyglass. When looking through the object, the viewer sees their most loved friend or family member (Who is not present) being viciously tortured by all means of non-lethal methods. If the viewer has no true friends or family, they see an older version of themselves instead. The square is indestructible and warm to the touch and anything viewed through it is entirely fictional.


A small shield shaped insignia marking the bearer as a defender of others. This insignia is misshapen as if crushed by a passing wagon and speckled with blood.


A wooden, roughly carved hunting horn that still has patches of bark remaining on its surface. The deep, haunting sound it makes is dark, foreboding, and above all else, wild, with its notes echoing far longer than they should.


A green bottle enchanted to deliver a heartfelt message. When opened the bottle emits the voice of a crying man speaking to his wife, saying how sorry he is and how nobody should go through the Duskfall Forest. The message will play over and over again until the bottle is closed.


An oak wood pipe with writing carved on its side in infernal. It reads “Let he who smokes from the pipe be damned”.


A wizard’s wand made of a three-foot long sprig of ash with a fine, smooth handle that widens at the end.


A set of six sided dice with lewd pictures on each of the faces.


A beautiful, hand-crafted, driftwood figurine of a water nymph.


A miniature torture device play set. Comes with stretchy arm clown with menacing spiked tooth grin. When the doll is placed on the rack, little wooden gears turn, stretching out the doll and causing it to laugh maniacally.


A gold coin that when flipped remains suspended in the air, spinning indefinitely until it is grabbed again.


A wooden spinning top that looks crudely carved. Yet when it’s spun, it catches the carving in such a manner as to make the sound of children laughing or crying in the distance, depending on which direction the top is spun


A petrified goblin heart in a silver birdcage.


A broken compass that only ever points to the nearest other broken compass.


A ceramic jar of pond water containing half of dozen live leaches. The label on the side of the container reads “Dream-Suckers”.


A silver flask half filled with fine scotch, bearing a leering face engraved on the front.


A sealed one gallon cask of finely aged wine that gives the imbiber prophetic, drunken visions.


A box made of petrified, grey wood. Square, palm sized, and unusually heavy, it has a lid and iron hinges, but no latch. A face, moon-like and squinting mirthfully, is carved on the immovable lid.


A brand, or perhaps a rosette iron. Small, and quite delicate in the handle. Scorches a pressed surface with a two-inch-tall capital M if heated cherry-hot.


A chatelaine lined like a human palm. Five short iron chains hang from it, no more than two inches long. Each ends in a lead fingertip pendant. When pinned to a garment or belt, the piece hangs like a strange, disembodied hand.


A long steel tuning fork. When struck, it hums at a lowing, worrisome frequency that stirs the gut and causes a listening ear to rush alarmingly.


A long-necked vessel, small, of porous, white porcelain. Glazed with black, metallic enamel, within. There is a small face stamped on its bulbous end; a curl-lipped face nestled in a pentagram. The vessel becomes dewy, if left in the open air, and over the course of a single night wells up a collected, cloying droplet in its bulb. This fluid is sweet but turns the stomach. It kills insects and small animals that drink of it.


A bleached headdress made from the bones of humanoid hands which have been cleverly fashioned together.


An hourglass, slightly melted, set in a drooping, ancient housing of twisted glass. Within the bloated glass bulbs, there are two, separate liquids: A clear, slightly yellow oil that fills the space like air, and a heavy, cherry-red liquid separate from it. This cherry liquid acts as sand, dripping in slow globules from the top bulb to the bottom. Despite its age, it keeps a perfect hour.


A nickel silver pomander. Eight hinged segments of scrolled openwork separate and swing out from a bottom ring of hinges. The central stem, topped by a ring and the catch disc for all eight segments, bristles with sharp, metal thorns. They are rusted with ancient, brown stain. Atop one, a tiny bone is embedded.


A wolf statuette carved from reddish limestone that fits comfortably in one hand.


A pair of pointed thimbles conjoined by a flexible loop of steel. The clawlike tips join nicely, like a tweezer. They may be worn on thumb and forefinger to pluck up small objects with some precision.


A ragged, thin tin box containing two long, steel nails. Each has a shaft convoluted with organic whorls and notches, and a head showing a carved rose or curling tongue. On the box’s lid is pasted a hand-drawn, musty sketch showing where the nails should be driven into a human’s skull.


A sharp pen, long, and crafted in smooth onyx. It will bear no ink on its piercing nib; only human blood. The silver nib will neither rust nor tarnish.


A slumber, small, shaped like a pint-sized ampoule of green glass. A faint, flickering heartbeat can be heard within, if listened to in absolute silence. The glass emits faint heat, like a living thing.


A monk’s simple green and white robe of an unknown cloth, it smells vaguely of herbs.


A small, cartouche-shaped plaquette made from bronze, meant to hang around the neck by a chain, like a modern dress gorget. The chain is gone, replaced by simple cord. A sculpted, leonine face looks out from the front, snarling.


A small whistle shaped from ivory, perhaps bone. Yellowed and chipped, thin as a pencil, and perhaps the length of one’s hand. It has eight holes for fingering, but they are of no use, for the whistle produces no sound when played. It vibrates subtly, producing naught but raised hairs and a sensation of anxious, horrid dread in all who are near.


A spheroid box, small, and ribbed like a squat pumpkin. Splits neatly in two. The halves, which join nearly flush via a thin, inset lip, are conjoined by a short silver chain. Every link in the chain, oblong and blackened, is glassed and opens like a locket. Only one of these frame-links contains a picture: A minute, painted image of a man with a pig’s head.


A steel tooth cap, keenly sharp, meant for the upper jaw. Converts the canines and lateral incisors into long, pointed fangs. There are sockets in the fangs fronts, as if they once held gemstones. A pair of blackened, ancient teeth are still stuck within the cap’s inner groove.


A tiny green ingot, pale emerald all the way through, as verdigris, in a torn-open lead envelope. On contact with skin, it turns the flesh a spongy, pale green, causes chills, and elicits an itching from the scalp. A geometric, faceted signet has been pressed into one corner of the ingot, presumably while it was cast.


A warm, black iron marble; like a very large bearing, but rougher. The rough, iron exterior has worn away at a thin spot, showing a smooth, shiny yolk of hard, tungsten-grey metal within. Balmy warmth emanates from the marble, but slowly burns nearby skin an irritated red, if kept nearby for too long. The redness takes time to fade, and flakes and weeps before it does.


The skeleton of an unknown animal encased in a mound of yellowing resin. It is much like a garden frog in both size and shape, albeit a garden frog with long claws and a protracted, toothy snout.


The steel tip of a horn capped in plain steel and pointed like the punch-shape of a bodkin arrow. Dry, keratinous splinters of horn, fragile with age, are still stuck on the inside.


A white marble bowl with the image of an ermine, and a rearing horse as pictures in a book within a shield shape and set with an amethyst. It is of strangely organic workmanship.


A cherry letter opener with the image of runes in an unknown language, and a thistle within an octagon.


An elven poncho covered in long strands that resemble weeping willow, wisteria and ivy vines.


A short scroll made out of singed papyrus, covered in strange, flowing script at crazy, disjointed angles and stains of ominous origin.


A brown leather flatcap with a two holes pierced through, possibly from the horns of the previous owner.


A long, diaphanous, red veil that shimmers with crushed amber shards that dance like sultry flames whenever its bearer breathes or moves.


A bundle of good quality beaver pelts tied together with twine and wrapped in a protective oilskin case.


A crystal shoe. A heeled slipper, one made for the foot of a small woman. Bluish and lightly faceted. Quite hard, and able to be worn and walked upon, albeit uncomfortably.


A cylindrical spinning top, quite wide, and made of light, white metal, weighted towards the needle. A row of little skeletons is painted around the cylinder. If spun and looked at dead-on, the skeletons become one and animate. It dances, and not pleasingly, made lively by the kinesis of the whirring top.


An artificial fibula made of rusted, wrought iron delicately carved with scrollwork and decorative rivets; all nearly obscured in red oxidization.


A perfect specimen of a pine cone, inexplicably encased in a rectangular block of clear glass.


A chess piece, a king, crafted from blackest jet. He sits in a tall throne worked with a scrollwork relief, bearing an expression of deepest weariness. He rests, chin in palm, with a short knife tucked in the opposite hand. A finely worked piece.


A large tin canister whose lid is stamped with the image of a well-stocked confectionery shop bustling with children. The container is filled with dozens of orange flavored hard candies.


A large blue coin with a powdery finish, perhaps tarnished. A hole is punched in one side, lending it the appearance of a tag. One side bears rows of blocky characters; a lost tongue. The other shows a many-towered skyline, all spires and soaring onion domes.


A crude map of the local area inscribed on a tattered canvas scroll, that bears an “X” marking an area near where the map was found. There is a list of instructions in the bottom corner of the map: Find the broken bridge, then go south 2-3 miles, until you find the bronze statue. From there, go east 1-2 miles until you find the dried up creek bed, then go north-east for 3-4 miles and you’ll find the relics hidden at the top of an old watchtower. —Note: It is up to the DM whether or not if the instructions can be followed (The “landmarks” might be a code, riddle or simply not exist for example) and if there is anything at the end. The map could easily be a prank, trap, confidence scheme, ambush or the area could already have been stripped of any value by other adventurers.


An artificial moth crafted of jade slivers and twists of silver wire and trapped in a squat, glass bottle. The strange construct will fly briefly and feebly if warmed by a living palm.


A single steel earring that when worn, allows the bearer to speak the language of the humans, but only to say: “I don’t actually speak Human. I only know that sentence, and this one explaining it.” The bearer is not granted the ability to understand the language and doesn’t comprehend what they just said unless they are already fluent.


A human mandible with strange, silvery crystals jutting in a painful major from the ramus and processes, where it might connect to the skull. The teeth, of which the incisors are sharp, are faintly coated in platinum leaf.


A white leather wallet decorated with a twirling red stripe, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is an established member of the barbers, surgeons and dentists guild. The section containing the member’s physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.


A folding knife with a curved tang, like a straight razor, but with a wickedly hooked blade. When closed, it forms a semicircle. The blade is quite pitted but has been cleaned of its rust at some point. It is keenly sharp.


A small tin case containing a dozen facial and ear piercings of varying sizes and shapes, all made from chameleon horn.


A pirate flag that although ragged around the edges, clearly shows a grinning skull with devil horns, and crossed bastard swords. Knowledgeable PC’s recognize this flag belongs to Garrin Firebrand, the Reef Lord. A local pirate of some distinction, his ship always seems to vanish as soon as it hits open water, which has caused many to wonder if Firebrand and his crew have found a way to slip beneath the waves.


A set of brass merchant weigh scales that have subtle markings around the balancing arm. An extremely perceptive PC will notice that the markings are actually small levels that can be quickly manipulated with the lightest touch in order to cause the scales to tip more in one direction or the other making it seems like one scale weighs more than it rightly should. No doubt owned by a crooked merchant, the fraudulent mechanisms are quite well made and would fetch a fine prince if one could find a shady black marketeer or underhanded jeweler.