Ghostly Powers (d48)

A collaborative effort by the r/d100 community. The original post can be found here.

d48 Result




Akrasia - explorers’ Willpower is sapped, making them reckless, flighty, or violent.


Air manipulation - a gust of wind, a cloud of reeking poison; a room becomes airless.


Ancestral boon - the ghost can infuse its loved ones or descendants with supernatural strength, memories, or other benefits, to help serve their departed ancestor's goals.


Animal possession - the explorers’ dogs or horses are terrified, or even become aggressive; crows, rats, bats, insects, spiders, or other small animals descend in a swarm; wolves, bears, or other predators hunt.


Blight - plants and animals grow sick and die; moss or rot moves about, perhaps taking human shape.


Blindness - explorers are unable to see certain things, or in extreme cases can only see certain things. They tend not to walk into walls - they’re not really blind - but they may not perceive things like friends, enemies, or a hole in the floor.


Cachexia - people wither and weaken, as if starving; they may become ravenously hungry, or they may lose all interest in food or drink.


Calumny - people nearby become hostile and paranoid, and may turn on each other.


Cold manipulation


Cunning - the ghost is not driven by emotion alone, but is quite intelligent.


Damning mark - the ghost can place an invisible mark on a person, with effects such as attracting spirits, causing dangerous accidents, general ill luck, or causing alarm in animals or in people.






Despair - beyond the emotion itself, people’s ability to heal, energy levels, or magical abilities are weakened.


Devour - the ghost can consume living things, animals or (given a little quiet time), a human.


Dreams of Fury/Grief/Love/Terror - the ghost can send dreams to people, with its associated emotion. These may disrupt sleep, or nudge people's waking behavior.


Dusk-Bound - the ghost can operate at dawn or dusk, not just at night. Very powerful ghosts can even operate during the day, under heavy overcast or indoors.


Earth manipulation - the ground opens up, mud seeps in, rocks fall, or clay takes on a human form.


Electricity manipulation


Enervation - the ghost draws power from objects, rendering them brittle and useless. The ghost's Tragedy affects how this manifests (ed: nested lists are a PITA!): ghosts of fury leave their enervated food dry, charred, or rusted; ghosts of grief leave things dampened and rotted; for ghosts of love, objects may be swallowed up by the earth or smudged with dust or mud; when ghosts of terror feed, the object becomes wind-scoured or lightning-blasted.


Entrancement - the person sees their fantasies come to life, and may become hopelessly lost in them. Compared to illusion, entrancement is all in the mind. Powerful ghosts may be able to entrance more than one person at a time.


Exsanguination - the ghost can draw blood from living creatures, gradually draining them to power its macabre existence. This is typically slow, almost unnoticeable. It may only be possible while the victim sleeps.


Fire manipulation - smoke fills the room, naturally-created fire rages out of control, and/or the ghost can spark flames at will. Objects immolated by the ghost’s magic provide it energy, just like enervation.


Ghost Lights - the ghost can create lights without a source, to trap people or lead them astray.


Illusion - blood seeping from the walls, shadows moving on their own, visions of the dead, etc. Unlike entrancement, illusions appear to anyone; they're like holograms rather than hallucinations.


Inspire Fury/Grief/Love/Terror - this power is almost universal: the ghost's emotion affects nearby people's. This can be subtle or overwhelming.


Labyrinth - objects are teleported, such as hiding explorers’ food or weapons; passages become infinite; doors are bricked up behind them.


Liminal trap - the ghost can pull people or objects into a parallel pocket universe, typically no bigger than the site the ghost is haunting.


Machine possession - doors, dolls, toys, statues, or taxidermied animals come to life.


Manifestation - the ghost can create a physical body, seemingly solid. This lets it interact with the world, but limits its movement and perception, and it cannot use other powers while Manifested. If seriously damaged, the body will collapse to dust and the ghost will be restored to its non-corporeal form.


Mimicry - the ghost can take the form of a loved one, someone an explorer knows and trusts. Most often, they can only mimic dead loved ones, but some can mimic the living. If the ghost also has manifestation, the mimicry is substantial; if the ghost has entrancement, it may seem very real though it lacks physical form.


Mirror magic - the ghost can perceive events near any mirror within its demesne, can use its powers near any mirror, and/or can step through mirrors to travel instantly. Such a ghost may also use mirrors to communicate with - or terrorize - the living. May be combined with liminal trap.


Mutism - people affected are unable to speak. Alternatively, they can speak but cannot understand each other - they may believe they're speaking normally but their actually babbling incomprehensibly.




Possession - the ghost can take over a person, to relive their past experiences, to protect a lover or descendant, to wreak vengeance, to put a loved one to rest, or to just feel sensations again. Most ghosts can’t use their powers when possessing a person, so they may actually be relatively harmless in this form; offering an appealing body to possess can be a good tactic.


Psychokinesis - throwing things, pushing or scratching people.


Quiescence - the ghost can “lay low,” becoming difficult to detect or harm if threatened.


Repellence - this can be subtle, making people avoid an area without even being aware of it, or overtly but ineffably repulsive.


Requiem - unseen music, with a siren-like attraction; those who are successfully pulled away may be haunted by the memory, and try to seek it out.


Shaping - the ghost can change a person’s appearance; they may mold a person into the image of their long-lost lover, for example. If angered, they can make someone disfigured, or unrecognizable to their friends.


Silence - all sounds are muted, or just the explorers’ calls - or screams.


Stigmata - the ghost causes bleeding wounds, sores, or other harm; it's mostly cosmetic, but certainly alarming.


Tempered Tragedy - the ghost’s emotion burns as strong as any, but it can be held back for a short time. For example, a tempered ghost of anger need not attack on sight, choosing instead to draw its victims into a trap.


Time manipulation - e.g., after a few hours asleep in a room, the rest of the world has moved on by days.


Tribulation - the explorers suffer from bad luck, often enduring dangerous accidents with no obvious cause.


Water manipulation - water drips from the ceiling, or fills the room and threatens drowning; it may be bloody, pitch-black, icy cold, fetid, or contain slithering unseen things; an explorer starts to drown from within. Drinking ghost-touched water can affect the mind or body.


Whispers - the ghost sends subtle words or other sounds, directly into explorers' minds. These may be extremely subtle, nudging just one person to act in a certain way. One explorer may hear tapping, crying, or screams from a certain room or object, while the others cannot. Powerful ghosts can make people act out of character, even attacking their allies.